Christian Ministry CEO Urges Americans to Pray for Speaker Mike Johnson as Congress Enters Pivotal Month

“It’s critical that those with biblical values engage their faith as our legislators complete the work in which they’ve been called”


As newly elected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson (R-LA), enters his first full month in office, he must quickly provide leadership on several major issues, including wars in Israel and Ukraine, rising anti-Semitism on U.S. college campuses and the potential for a government shutdown on Nov. 17.


Brandon Harvath, president and CEO of Christian Care Ministry, is calling on all Americans to pray for Speaker Johnson and Congress during this critical time:


“I urge every Christian to pray fervently for Mike Johnson, his family and his staff. With so much at stake right now nationally and globally, as he enters this challenging position, we must pray that God would grant him wisdom, discernment and the courage to lead in accordance with biblical truth and righteousness.

Regardless of political affiliation, the Church has a duty to share the responsibility of interceding for every one of our elected officials:

‘I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth’ (1 Timothy 2:1-4, NIV).

With so many important decisions ahead for our country, it’s critical that those with biblical values and an eternal perspective engage their faith as our legislators complete the work to which they’ve been called. As we ask the Lord to prompt our hearts and lead our prayers in accordance with His sovereignty, we can expect the privilege of witnessing His miraculous plans unfold.”

Since 2021, Christians across America have been regularly praying for our elected officials through Project K.E.E.P. (Keeping Elected Officials Encouraged Through Prayer), a free resource produced by Christian Care Ministry. Since September 11, 2021, Project K.E.E.P. has facilitated prayer for more than 2,300 elected officials from all 50 states. These officials include Members of Congress, state legislators, and members of the Executive and Judicial branches.

Prayer warriors who sign up for Project K.E.E.P. receive a monthly prayer calendar that includes elected officials to pray for by name each day, along with a sample prayer.

“Prayer is effective and important, and it’s a privilege we shouldn’t take lightly,” said Harvath. “Praying for those in office is a mission critical calling for every Christian, especially as we consider the weight of the office and seriousness of the issues at hand.”


Brandon Harvath serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Christian Care Ministry (CCM), the nonprofit 501(c)(3) association of churches that manages Medi-Share. CCM believes that we should reclaim the biblical mandate to care and provide for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Harvath joined CCM in May of 2021 as Chief Operating Officer (COO). Prior to CCM, he held leadership roles for Highmark, Cigna, Independence Blue Cross and MBNA/Bank of America. Most recently, Harvath served as CEO at Saint Francis Healthcare in Wilmington, DE. A homeschooling father of seven, Harvath is passionate about family, and the freedom to choose educational and healthcare options that align with faith and values.